Big Food Freaking Out Over Fed Up Movie

Am thrilled to be featured in a new powerful film by Laurie David and Katie Couric that features an all-star line-up.

If you search for “Fed Up movie” on Google, the first link you see is not the film’s website, but rather a page from the Grocery Manufacturers Association called “Fed Up Facts“. It’s a silly and desperate attempt by Big Food to respond to the star-power that has Katie Couric appearing all over the mainstream media spreading a message that the food industry doesn’t want you to hear. (GMA denies that “the food industry purposely advertises unhealthy foods to children”. It must happen by accident.)

The film really pulls no punches aiming to dispel the junk food industry’s strongest talking points: it’s all a matter of personal responsibility; we can just exercise our way to health; and we don’t need government regulation. Even Let’s Move is criticized for placing too much emphasis on physical activity and industry partnerships. But as I told the filmmakers, the first lady is in the wrong wing of the White House. (That quote didn’t make the final cut, alas. See this review saying the film lacks policy solutions, which I mostly agree with.)

Two more things I would have done differently: Less emphasis on the children’s personal stories, and a broader critique of food industry marketing practices instead of the strong messaging about sugar. When we focus too much on any single ingredient in the food supply, that plays right into the hands of industry, as manufacturers can simply find a replacement. (Although it is amusing to see the candy lobby squirm.) The film is promoting a challenge to give up sugar for 10 days. I would suggest an “eat real food” challenge instead. Or better yet, let’s challenge the junk food industry to stop marketing to children for 10 days. Imagine the peace and quiet parents would enjoy.

But these are minor concerns compared to the power of having Katie Couric appear on Good Morning America explaining to millions of viewers ideas that folks like Marion Nestle and I have been promoting for years: such as, how tinkering with processed food isn’t going to fix the problem, and neither will partnering with the food industry.

Huge thanks to Laurie David, Katie Couric, director Stephanie Soechtig and the rest of the Fed Up team for this important film, and for scaring the living daylights out of Big Food in the process. Please go see it, and take someone with you who isn’t already convinced, and then get politically active. We rarely have an opportunity like this to tell the truth about Big Food – in a real movie theater!

Watch the trailer here and see where it’s playing here. Please help spread the word.

5 Responses to “Big Food Freaking Out Over Fed Up Movie”

  1. Donna says:

    Thank you. What we put in these precious, miraclous bodies of ours is one of the most important and consequential choices we all make every day. These ordinary yet proudly meaningful choices of what we eat balanced with how we move effects us on every level. Mentally, physically, emotionally.

    The general public has been widely and wildly hoaxed…big ag, big soda, erroneous ” facts”.
    I am behind both unvailing the truth, and providing vivid clarity of what to eat, how and when, to attain glowing health, vitality and creativity. I am passionate about supremely strong and clear education for children and parents on these issues of eating good food for strong bodies, issues which can effect the rest of our lives.

  2. […] Simon at Eat Drink Politics had this to say about the film. The film also comes with a challenge to give up sugar for 10 days. I can say that […]

  3. People need to wake up, and stop being guinea pigs!

  4. Congratulations on being featured in this movie! I’m with you on the “eat real food” challenge. I also say NO sugar – ever!

    We are seeing a rise in anxiety and depression in kids and adolescents and now we have plenty of research showing a big connection to diet, especially sugar and junk food.

    It’s time to wake up and this movie is going to help so much!

    Thank you for all the amazing work you do!

  5. Maria Pia says:

    I’m a young italian woman living in Germany.
    I really liked this movie. I have been to the States before and I think the food tastes funny, especially in because of the corn syrup. In Europe luckily we are not as fat as in the US, but we are slowly getting there. Germany is the fattest country in Europe and still so much healthier than the US. Problems here are: too much meat, especially pork, too much dairy (DAIRY IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU), not enough vegetables and fruits. My generation doesn’t understand the importance of cooking yourself and knowing what is in your food. Personally, I eat a lot, but mostly healthy or at least homemade unhealthier things. Lasagne, pasta, i make meatsauce myself, lots of fruits, nuts, vegetables, depending on the season. I’m lactose intolerant, like most of humanity, so I barely consume dairy products. Of course, once in a while, I get a burger or some fries. But mostly it will be ONE burger OR ONE (european medium) small portion fries. The portions here are much smaller, a big softdrink here would be a regular one in the US. Even though I barely exercise, my genetics are not helping and I like to eat, I am an attractive normal weighted young woman.
    If you are having serious weight problems, I suggest a VEGAN or even RAW food diet. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables until you can’t think about food anymore and drink water!
    In my opinion, a sugar tax for companies that sell products containing sugar AND a tax on food containing sugar, depending on the amount of it, would not be wrong at this point. If there can be a tax on cigarettes, there can be one on sugar. It both harms us. If we are not allowed to drink under a certain age, because it HARMS or vote, because we are too young, why do we allow children to make bad choices for their health? It is a government’s OBLIGATION to protect their citizens.

    Good luck America
    Good luck World

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